So how much does an EIFS/stucco patch cost?

Over the years I’ve been asked that question probably a thousand times. And time and again I give the same answer. It depends. What makes EIFS so unique in that respect is the fact that EIFS is a specialty trade that requires it’s applicators to adhere to strict industry standards.


We all know that not all contractors are created equal and far too many take short cuts to save a buck. Why? If I were to guess I would say it’s because the actual cost of EIFS remediation is not cheap and property owners balk at realistic cost estimates due to the economy, financial issues, etc., and instead choose the lowest bidder to perform the work that often is sub-par at best. Frankly, it’s like taking your brand new $150,000 Mercedes to the $19 oil change spot. I’m not bad-mouthing those businesses; because they provide a much-needed service but one must remember, you almost always get what you pay for. Good or bad. 

There is no such thing as a standard repair when it comes to EIFS. Every job is different. In the 30 years that I’ve been an EIFS contractor, I’ve yet to see exact conditions from one repair job to another. That’s why it is very difficult to determine how much a repair is going to cost over the phone. It is virtually impossible to know how much damage is actually behind the system without strategic demolition (cutting a small section to see substrate and framing system).

EIFS hides moisture damage very well so it is very important to have an inspection performed every 2-3 years.

The most common types of repairs:

  • Bad or missing kick-out flashing
  • Cracks 
  • Bad or missing sealant
  • Improper grade
  • Remove and/or replace
  • Moisture damage

Repairs are something you literally have to see to price.

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